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доктор физико-математических наук (1998)


Основные публикации:
  1. V. N. Hakobyan, L. L. Dashtoyan, “Stress state of a piecewise uniform layered space with doubly periodic internal cracks”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 991:1 (2018), 012031  crossref  scopus
  2. V. N. Hakobyan, L. V. Hakobyan, “Stress state of uniformly piecewise homogeneous space with a periodic system of parallel internal cracks”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 991:1 (2018), 012032  crossref  scopus
  3. V. N. Hakobyan, L. L. Dashtoyan, “Discontinuous Solutions of a Doubly Periodic Problem for a Piecewise Homogeneous Plane with Interphase Defects”, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 53:5 (2017), 601–612  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
  4. D. A. Parshin, V. N. Hakobyan, “Additive Manufacturing of a Cylindrical Arch of Viscoelastic Aging Material under Gravity Action at various Modes of the Process”, Procedia IUTAM, 23 (2017), 66–77  crossref  scopus
  5. V. N. Hakobyan, A. A. Amirjanyan, “On the load transfer from elastic inclusions to an infinite elastic orthotropic plane with cuts”, Mechanics of Solids, 48:6 (2013), 628–635  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
  6. V. N. Hakobyan, L. L. Dashtoyan, “Contact problem for an orthotropic plane with a slit”, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 49:5 (2013), 507–518  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
  7. V. N. Hakobyan, A. R. Simonyan, “Mixed problem for orthotropic plane with crack”, Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst., 156 (2011), 37–48  mathscinet  zmath
  8. V. N. Hakobyan, L. L. Dashtoyan, “On a mixed problem for a composite plane weakened by arc-type cracks”, Topics in analysis and its applications. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Yerevan, Armenia, September, 22–25, 2002), NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 147, eds. Grigor A. Barsegian, et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2004, 377–383  crossref  mathscinet  zmath

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