Полная версия

Наумова Наталия Ивановна

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. Computation problems for envy stable solutions of allocation problems with public resources

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 14 (2021),  302–311
  2. Envy stable solutions for allocation problems with public resourses

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 12 (2019),  261–272
  3. Generalized nucleolus, kernels, and bargainig sets for cooperative games with restricted cooperation

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 8 (2015),  231–242
  4. An axiomatization of the proportional prenucleolus

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 7 (2014),  246–253
  5. Solidary Solutions to Games with Restricted Cooperation

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 6 (2013),  316–337
  6. Generalized Proportional Solutions to Games with Restricted Cooperation

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 5 (2012),  230–242
  7. Claim Problems with Coalition Demands

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 4 (2011),  311–326
  8. Generalized Kernels and Bargainig Sets for Cooperative Games with Limited Communication Structure

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 3 (2010),  289–302
  9. Ограниченная согласованность, порожденная функциями полезности коалиций

    МТИП, 1:1 (2009),  87–195
  10. Ограниченная согласованность, порожденная функциями полезности коалиций

    УБС, 26.1 (2009),  79–99
  11. Generalized Kernels and Bargaining Sets for Families of Coalitions

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 1 (2007),  346–360
  12. Арбитражные решения с идеальной точкой, порождаемые системами функций

    Докл. АН СССР, 279:1 (1984),  16–20
  13. О ядре в игре со счетным числом игроков

    Докл. АН СССР, 197:1 (1971),  40–42

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