Полная версия

Диксон Мартин

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. On some topics in the theory of infinite dimensional linear groups

    Algebra Discrete Math., 29:1 (2020),  1–32
  2. Nicolai N. Semko (dedicated to 60-th Birthday)

    Algebra Discrete Math., 24:1 (2017),  C–F
  3. Groups satisfying certain rank conditions

    Algebra Discrete Math., 22:2 (2016),  184–200
  4. S. N. Chernikov and the development of infinite group theory

    Algebra Discrete Math., 13:2 (2012),  169–208
  5. On the existence of complements in a group to some abelian normal subgroups

    Algebra Discrete Math., 10:1 (2010),  18–41
  6. Groups with finiteness conditions on some subgroup systems: a contemporary stage

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2009, № 4,  29–54
  7. On various rank conditions in infinite groups

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2007, № 4,  23–44

  8. Igor Ya. Subbotin (dedicated to 70th Birthday)

    Algebra Discrete Math., 29:2 (2020),  C–F
  9. Leonid A. Kurdachenko (dedicated to 70th Birthday)

    Algebra Discrete Math., 29:1 (2020),  C–H
  10. Igor Ya. Subbotin: to the 60th birthday

    Algebra Discrete Math., 9:1 (2010),  E–H
  11. Leonid A. Kurdachenko: to the 60th birthday

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2009, № 4,  E–H

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