Полная версия

Маринич Александр Виталиевич

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. Renewal shot noise processes in the case of slowly varying tails

    Theory Stoch. Process., 21(37):2 (2016),  14–21
  2. Optimal doubling strategies in backgammon

    Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 8 (2015),  33–46
  3. A note on convergence to stationarity of random processes with immigration

    Theory Stoch. Process., 20(36):1 (2015),  84–100
  4. Слабая сходимость конечномерных распределений числа пустых ящиков решета Бернулли

    Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 59:1 (2014),  28–60
  5. On the asymptotics of moments of linear random recurrences

    Theory Stoch. Process., 16(32):2 (2010),  106–119
  6. Limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve

    Theory Stoch. Process., 16(32):2 (2010),  44–57

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