Полная версия

Лашо Ж

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. The Klein quartic as a cyclic group gene

    Mosc. Math. J., 5:4 (2005),  857–868
  2. Ramanujan modular forms and the Klein quartic

    Mosc. Math. J., 5:4 (2005),  829–856
  3. Étale cohomology, Lefschetz theorems and number of points of singular varieties over finite fields

    Mosc. Math. J., 2:3 (2002),  589–631

  4. Corrigenda and Addenda: Étale cohomology, Lefschetz theorems and number of points of singular varieties over finite fields

    Mosc. Math. J., 9:2 (2009),  431–438

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