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Ïóáëèêàöèè â áàçå äàííûõ Math-Net.Ru

  1. Universal $T/B$ scaling behavior of heavy fermion compounds (Mini-review)

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 112:10 (2020),  700–701
  2. Fermion condensation, $T$-linear resistivity and Planckian limit

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 110:4 (2019),  266–267
  3. Asymmetric tunneling conductance and the non-Fermi liquid behavior of strongly correlated Fermi systems

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 108:5 (2018),  359–360
  4. Quasi-one-dimensional quantum spin liquid in the Cu(C$_4$H$_4$N$_2$)(NO$_3)_2$ insulator

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 103:1 (2016),  32–37
  5. Fate of the Wiedemann–Franz law near quantum critical points of electron systems in solids

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 102:12 (2015),  943–950
  6. Interaction-induced merging of Landau levels in an electron system of double quantum wells

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 102:1 (2015),  40–44
  7. Occurrence of flat bands in strongly correlated Fermi systems and high-$T_c$ superconductivity of electron-doped compounds

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 101:6 (2015),  448–454
  8. Nature of the quantum critical point as disclosed by extraordinary behavior of magnetotransport and the Lorentz number in the heavy-fermion metal YbRh$_2$Si$_2$

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 96:6 (2012),  436–443
  9. Second wind of the Dulong–Petit Law at a quantum critical point

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 92:8 (2010),  585–589
  10. Energy scales and the non-Fermi liquid behavior in $\mathrm{YbRh_2Si_2}$

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 90:1 (2009),  51–59
  11. Îáùèå ñâîéñòâà èíäóöèðîâàííîé ìàãíèòíûì ïîëåì ôåðìè-æèäêîñòè Ëàíäàó â âûñîêîòåìïåðàòóðíûõ ñâåðõïðîâîäíèêàõ è ìåòàëëàõ ñ òÿæåëûìè ôåðìèîíàìè

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 88:3 (2008),  214–219
  12. Universal behavior of CePd$_{1-x}$Rh$_x$ Ferromagnet at Quantum Critical Point

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 85:8 (2007),  484–488
  13. Óíèâåðñàëüíîå ïîâåäåíèå ñèëüíîêîððåëèðîâàííûõ ôåðìè-ñèñòåì

    ÓÔÍ, 177:6 (2007),  585–618
  14. Anomalously high surface temperature induced by condensation of atoms

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 83:3 (2006),  143–147
  15. Hall coefficient in heavy fermion metals

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 82:4 (2005),  234–238
  16. Dissymmetrical tunnelling in heavy fermion metals

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 81:5 (2005),  283–286
  17. Investigation of the field-tuned quantum critical point in CeCoIn$_5$

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 80:4 (2004),  294–297
  18. Universal behavior of heavy-fermion metals near a quantum critical point

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 79:6 (2004),  344–350
  19. Quasiparticles in the superconducting state of high-T$_c$ metals

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 77:12 (2003),  803–807
  20. Magnetoresistance of highly correlated electron liquid

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 77:4 (2003),  208–211
  21. Behavior of Fermi systems approaching the fermion condensation quantum phase transition from the disordered phase

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 77:2 (2003),  104–108
  22. Possible universal cause of high-T$_c$ superconductivity in different metals

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 76:11 (2002),  774–778
  23. Transition from non Fermi liquid behavior to Landau Fermi liquid behavior induced by magnetic fields

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 76:8 (2002),  614–618
  24. Theory of high-$T_c$ superconductivity based on the fermion-condensation quantum phase transition

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 74:7 (2001),  435–439
  25. Ôåðìè-êîíäåíñàòíûé êâàíòîâûé ôàçîâûé ïåðåõîä â âûñîêîòåìïåðàòóðíûõ ñâåðõïðîâîäíèêàõ

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 73:5 (2001),  268–273

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