Полная версия

Komarnytskyi M

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. On the quasi-primary decomposition of HK-torsion theories

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2009, № 2,  60–69
  2. On differential preradicals

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2007, № 4,  73–83
  3. Left exact radicals in module categories over principal ideal domains

    Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold. Mat., 2005, № 2,  72–76

  4. Vladimir Kirichenko (on his 65th birthday)

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2007, № 4,  E–H
  5. Vitaliy Sushchansky (on his 60th birthday)

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2007, № 2,  E–F
  6. V. M. Usenko (1951–2006)

    Algebra Discrete Math., 2006, № 2,  G–K

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