Полная версия

Koosis Paul J

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. Estimating polynomials and entire functions by using their logarithmic sums over complex sequences

    Алгебра и анализ, 13:5 (2001),  69–109
  2. A local estimate, involving the least superharmonic majorant, for entire functions of exponential type

    Алгебра и анализ, 10:3 (1998),  45–64
  3. Lower bounds on the values of an entire function of exponential type at certain integers, in terms of a least superharmonic majorant

    Алгебра и анализ, 10:3 (1998),  31–44
  4. A result on polynomials and its relation to another, concerning entire functions of exponential type

    Матем. физ., анал., геом., 5:1/2 (1998),  68–86

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