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Ïóáëèêàöèè â áàçå äàííûõ Math-Net.Ru

  1. Tetrads and $q$-theory

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 109:6 (2019),  369–370
  2. Dark matter from dark energy in $q$-theory (short version)

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 105:2 (2017),  62–63
  3. Brane realization of $q$-theory and the cosmological constant problem

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 103:10 (2016),  711–714
  4. Standard Model Higgs field and energy scale of gravity

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 97:6 (2013),  340–343
  5. Spontaneously broken Lorentz invariance from the dynamics of a heavy sterile neutrino

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 95:10 (2012),  565–568
  6. Superluminal neutrino and spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 94:9 (2011),  731–733
  7. Towards a solution of the cosmological constant problem

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 91:6 (2010),  279–285
  8. $f(R)$ cosmology from $q$-theory

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 88:5 (2008),  339–344
  9. Fundamental length scale of quantum spacetime foam

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 86:2 (2007),  79–83
  10. Merging gauge coupling constants without Grand Unification

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 81:11 (2005),  683–687
  11. Quantum phase transition for the BEC – BCS crossover in condensed matter physics and CPT violation in elementary particle physics

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 80:5 (2004),  389–394
  12. Neutrino oscillations from the splitting of Fermi points

    Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 79:10 (2004),  563–568

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