Полная версия
Linfei Nie
доктор физико-математических наук

Специальность ВАК: 01.01.00 (математика)
Дата рождения: 8.11.1978
Ключевые слова: Differential Equation, Dyanmical System, Mathematical Biology.

Основные публикации:
  1. Linfei Nie, Zhidong Teng, Lin Hu, “The dynamics of a chemostat model with state dependent impulsive effects”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21 (2011), 1311–1322  crossref
  2. Linfei Nie, Zhidong Teng, Lin Hu, Jigen Peng, “Qualitative analysis of a modified Leslie–Gower and Holling-type II predator-prey model with state dependent impulsive effects”, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11:3 (2010), 1364–1373  crossref  zmath
  3. Linfei Nie, Jigen Peng, Zhidong Teng, Lin Hu, “Existence and stability of periodic solution of a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with state dependent impulsive effects”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 224 (2009), 5440–5455
  4. Linfei Nie, Zhidong Teng, Jigen Peng, Lin Hu, “Permanence and stability in non-autonomous predator-prey Lotka-Volterra systems with feedback controls”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 58 (2009), 436–448  crossref  zmath
  5. Linfei Nie, Jigen Peng, Zhidong Teng, Harmless Feedback Control for Permanence and Global Asymptotic Stability in Nonlinear Delay Population Equation, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 12, 2008

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