Полная версия

van der Put Marius

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. Moduli Spaces for the Fifth Painlevé Equation

    SIGMA, 19 (2023), 068, 26 стр.
  2. Variations for Some Painlevé Equations

    SIGMA, 15 (2019), 088, 10 стр.
  3. Stratified Bundles on Curves and Differential Galois Groups in Positive Characteristic

    SIGMA, 15 (2019), 071, 24 стр.
  4. Isomonodromy for the Degenerate Fifth Painlevé Equation

    SIGMA, 13 (2017), 029, 14 стр.
  5. The Stokes Phenomenon and Some Applications

    SIGMA, 11 (2015), 036, 13 стр.
  6. Geometric Aspects of the Painlevé Equations $\mathrm{PIII(D_6)}$ and $\mathrm{PIII(D_7)}$

    SIGMA, 10 (2014), 050, 24 стр.

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