Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru
Yuriy Drozd (dedicated to 75th Birthday)
Algebra Discrete Math., 28:2 (2019), C–F
Vitaliy Sushchansky (11.11.1946 – 29.10.2016)
Algebra Discrete Math., 23:2 (2017), C–F
Diagonal direct limits of finite symmetric and alternating groups
Algebra Discrete Math., 10:1 (2010), 67–87
On classification of groups generated by 3-state automata over a 2-letter alphabet
Algebra Discrete Math., 2008, № 1, 1–163
Amenable actions of nonamenable groups
Зап. научн. сем. ПОМИ, 326 (2005), 85–96
Post-critically finite self-similar groups
Algebra Discrete Math., 2003, № 4, 21–32
Hyperbolic spaces from self-similar group actions
Algebra Discrete Math., 2003, № 1, 77–86
Динамика треугольных преобразований последовательностей
над конечными алфавитами
Матем. заметки, 73:3 (2003), 466–468
Virtual endomorphisms of groups
Algebra Discrete Math., 2002, № 1, 88–128
Группа асинхронных автоматов и рациональные гомеоморфизмы множества Кантора
Матем. заметки, 67:5 (2000), 680–685
Автоматы, динамические системы и группы
Труды МИАН, 231 (2000), 134–214
Классы сопряженности группы автоморфизмов дерева
Матем. заметки, 65:6 (1999), 938–941
Volodymyr Kyrychenko (to the 75th anniversary)
Algebra Discrete Math., 27:1 (2019), C–E
Igor Volodymyrovych Protasov (dedicated to 60-th Birthday)
Algebra Discrete Math., 17:2 (2014), C–F
Rostislav I. Grigorchuk. To the 60th anniversary
Algebra Discrete Math., 15:1 (2013), C–F
Rostislav Ivanovich Grigorchuk
Mosc. Math. J., 13:4 (2013), 733–734
Vladimir Kirichenko (on his 65th birthday)
Algebra Discrete Math., 2007, № 4, E–H
Vitaliy Sushchansky (on his 60th birthday)
Algebra Discrete Math., 2007, № 2, E–F
R. I. Grigorchuk (his 50th birthday)
Algebra Discrete Math., 2003, № 4, E–F
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