01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
E-mail: Keywords: profinite groups, algebraic groups, quivers, Schur superalgebras and affine supergroups, quantum groups, invariant theory.
Main publications:
Nonrepresentability of a free non-abelian pro-$p$-group by second-order
matrices (russian), Siberian Math. J., 28 (1987), N 5, 64–69.
The lower central series of a pro-$p$-group of second-order general matrices, Preprint N 731, Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, 1987.
Varieties of pro-$p$-groups of second-order matrices, Algebra and Logic (Algebra i Logika, russian),
29 (1990), N 4, 287–301.
Varieties of metabelian pro-$p$-groups, Siberian Math. J. (russian), 33 (1992), N 5, 816–825.
On a generalization of the Razmyslov-Procesi theorem, Algebra and Logic
(Algebra i Logika, russian), 35 (1996), N 4, 433–457.
Invariants of an adjoint action of classical groups, Algebra and Logic (Algebra i Logika, russian), 38 (1999), N 5, 549–584.
Semi-invariants of quivers as determinants (in cooperation with M. Domokos), Transformation Groups, 6, N 1(2001), 9–24.
The Razmyslov-Procesi theorem for quivers (in Russian), Fundam. Prikl. Mat. 7 (2001), N 2, 387–421.
Invariants of mixed representations of quivers I, Algebra and its Applications, 4 (2005), N 3, 245–285.
Invariants of mixed representations of quivers II: defining relations and applications, Algebra and its Applications, 4 (2005), N 3, 287–312.
Schur superalgebras in characteristic $p$, II, (in cooperation with F. Marko), Bulletin of London Math. Soc., 38 (2006), 99–112.
On some properties of general linear supergroups and Schur superalgebras, Algebra and Logic (Algebra i Logika, russian), 45 (2006), N 3, 257–299.
Semi-invariants of mixed representations of quivers, (in cooperation with A. A. Lopatin), Transformation Groups, 12 (2007), N 2, 341–369.
Affine quotients of supergroups. Transform. Groups 14 (2009), no. 3, 713–745.