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Sidnyaev Nikolai Ivanovich
Sidnyaev Nikolai Ivanovich
Doctor of technical sciences (2010)

Speciality: 01.02.00 (Mechanics)
Phone: 89629959830
Keywords: Aeromechanics, flight dynamics, mathematical statistics, reliability, spacecraft, database, knowledge base, expert system
UDC: 519.63
MSC: 65M06, 76D05, 65M12, 65Z05


Applied mathematics and mechanics, artificial intelligence systems

Main publications:
  1. Sidnyaev N.I., Theory of Experiment Planning and Statistical Data Analysis, Textbook and Workshop, Higher Education, Yurait, Moscow, 2019
  2. Sidnyaev N.I., Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Textbook, Bachelor. Academic course, Yurait, Moscow, 2019
  3. Sidnyaev N.I., Butenko Yu.I., Bolotova E.E., “Rule-based Expert System for Creating Knowledge Base on Aircraft Structures”, Aerospace instrumentation, 2019, № 6, 38-52
  4. Sidnyaev N.I., “Analytical Calculation to Justify the Performance Requirements of the Reliability of Nuclear Power Plants”, Nuclear Enrgy, 126:1 (2019), 26-30
  5. Sidnyaev N.I., Gecha V. Ya., Barbul R.N., Butenko Yu.I., “Methodology for Evaluation The Reliability of Spacecraft Development”, Reliability, 19:2 (2019), 3-8

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© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025