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Конференция "Точно решаемые модели открытых квантовых систем"
15 сентября 2023 г. 12:00, г. Москва, Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова, ул. Губкина, д. 8, ауд. 104

Class of exactly solvable models of open quantum systems strongly interacting with a reservoir

A. N. Pechen

Аннотация: In this talk, we discuss a general wide class of open quantum systems strongly interacting with a dilute quantum reservoir via interaction of scattering type which is quadratic in creation and annihilation boson reservoir operators. For this class of systems, the total dynamics of the system and the reservoir becomes exactly solvable in some limit and becomes described, instead of the Schrodinger equation, by a quantum stochastic differential equation (QSDE) with quantum Poisson process. The key point for obtaining the QSDE and exact solvability is that while the interaction of the system with the reservoir is generally strong (no weak coupling assumption), the reservoir is dilute.

Язык доклада: английский

Список литературы
  1. L. Accardi, A. Pechen, I. V. Volovich, “A stochastic golden rule and quantum Langevin equation for the low density limit”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 6:3 (2003), 431–453
  2. A. N. Pechen, “Quantum stochastic equation for a test particle interacting with a dilute Bose gas”, J. Math. Phys., 45:1 (2004), 400–417
  3. A. N. Pechen, “White noise approach to the low density limit”, Quantum probability and infinite dimensional analysis, QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 18, ed. M. Schürmann, U. Franz, World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2005), 428–447, arXiv: quant-ph/0607134
  4. A. N. Pechen, “The multi-time correlation functions, free white noise, and the generalized Poisson statistics in the low density limit”, J. Math. Phys., 47 (2006), 033507

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