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September 23, 2015 09:40, XVII conference "Scientific services in Internet", Novorossiysk

Video records collection in the All-Russian mathematical portal Math-Net.Ru

A. D. Izaak, O. G. Misyurina, Yu. A. Pupyrev, D. E. Chebukov

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Abstract: A collection of video records of scientific events (conferences, seminars, summer schools, lectures) and single presentations is being created on the basis of the All-Russian mathematical portal Math-Net.Ru. To arrange a database of video records an approach similar to creating a publications database is used. Integration between the databases of presentations, publications, persons and organization is maintained. Video recording and live video are available for the events held in the Steklov Mathematical Institute.

Keywords: Math-Net.Ru, All-Russian mathematical portal, scientific events, presentations, video records, live video.

  1. D. Chebukov, A. Izaak, O. Misyurina, Yu. Pupyrev, A. Zhizhchenko, “Math-Net.Ru as a digital archive of the Russian mathematical knowledge from the XIX century to today”, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7961, ed. J. Carette et al., Springer, 2013, 344–348 , arXiv: 1305.5655  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  zmath  elib  scopus
  2. D. E. Chebukov, A. D. Izaak, O. G. Misyurina, Yu. A. Pupyrev, “Elektronnyi dokumentooborot v informatsionnoi sisteme Math-Net.Ru kak osnova elektronnogo izdatelstva nauchnogo zhurnala”, Nauchnyi servis v seti Internet: poisk novykh reshenii, Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi superkompyuternoi konferentsii (17–22 sentyabrya 2012 g., g. Novorossiisk), 2012 [D. E. Chebukov, A. D. Izaak, O. G. Misyurina, Yu. A. Puryrev, “Electronic document services in the information system Math-Net.Ru as a basis of electronic publication of a scientific journal”, Scientific services in Internet: looking for new solutions (17–22 Sep 2012, Novorossiysk), Moscow university, M., 2012]

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