An Ueno-type manifold is a minimal resolution of singularities of the
quotient of the manifold $E(6)^n$ by cyclic group of order $6$, where $E(6)$
is the elliptic curve given by the equation $y^2z = x^3 - z^3$ in $P^2$ and
the group acts on each factor as $(x : y : z) \mapsto (\omega x : -y : z)$
($\omega = e^{\frac{2\pi}{3}}$). We prove that Ueno-type manifold $X_{4,6}$
is unirational if the ground field $k$ is not of characteristic $3$ and
contains $\omega$. By some technical computation we show that
unirationality of $X_{4,6}$ follows from unirationality of certain cubic
surface over the functional field $k(s_3, s_4)$. Then we prove
unirationality of this cubic surface.