Let $K=k((t))$ be a field of formal Laurent series in
variable $t$ with coefficients in a finite field $k$ of characteristic
$p>0$. Denote by $G_p$ the maximal quotient of the absolute Galois group
of $K$ with the nilpotent class $<p$ and the period $p$. The nilpotent
analogue of the Artin-Shreier theory allows us the Galois group $G_p$
with the group obtained from some profinite $F_p$-algebra Lie via the
Campbell-Hausdorff composition law. This algebra Lie $L$ is provided
with a (explicitly given) system of generators and this allows us to
work efficiently with the elements of the Galois group $G_p$. In the
talk it will be explained a new techniques allowing us to introduce
an action of a formal group of order p on appropriate quotients of
the algebra Lie $L$. The most surprising phenomenon: this action comes
from “higher” differentiations of $K$. The main application: via the
above results we can substantially simplify the appproach to the
explicit description of the ramification filtration of the group $G_p$
obtained earlier by the author.