On the second Painlevé equation and its higher analogues Irina Bobrova |
Abstract: Six Painlevé equations were obtained by Paul Painlevé and his school during the classification of ODE's of the form We will discuss the integrability of this equation and introduce its Hamiltonian representation in terms of the Kazuo Okamoto variables. On the other hand, the PII equation is integrable in the sense of the Lax pair and the isomonodromic representation, that I will present. The Bäcklund transformation and the affine Weyl group are another interesting question. Using these symmetries, we are able to construct various rational solutions for the integer parameter PII equation. The second Painlevé equation has one more important representation in terms of There are higher analogues of the PII equation, which we will obtain by self-similar reduction of the modified Korteveg-de Vries hierarchy. Language: English |