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"Algorithmic problems in algebra and logic" (S.I.Adian seminar)
November 3, 2020 18:30, Moscow, online via Zoom

Commensurability of Baumslag-Solitar groups

A. O. Zakharov

Chebyshev Laboratory, St. Petersburg State University, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics

Abstract: Two groups are called (abstractly) commensurable if they have isomorphic subgroups of finite index. In particular, finitely generated commensurable groups are quasi-isometric. Baumslag-Solitar groups form an interesting class of one-relator groups with unusual properties. The quasi-isometry classification for these groups was known previously, due to Farb, Mosher and Whyte. We give a complete commensurability classification of Baumslag-Solitar groups. I will also mention related open questions about generalized Baumslag-Solitar groups. This is joint work with Montse Casals-Ruiz and Ilya Kazachkov.

Language: English

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