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Dynamical Systems and PDEs
December 9, 2020 18:00, (this is Moscow time, CET=16:00), zoom identificator 999 4670 8867, password 953708

Quasi periodic co-orbital motions (joint work with Philippe Robutel and Alexandre Pousse)

L. Niederman

Université Paris-Sud, Département de Mathématiques

Abstract: The motions of the satellites Janus and Epimetheus around Saturn are among the most intriguing in the solar system since they exchange their orbits every four years.
In [1], we give a rigorous proof of the existence of quasi-periodic orbits (hence stable) which exhibit this exchange property in the three body plane planetary problem thanks to KAM theory.
[1] On the Co-orbital Motion in the Three-Body Problem: Existence of Quasi-periodic Horseshoe-Shaped Orbits, L. Niederman, A. Pousse, P. Robutel, Comm. Math. Phys., vol. 377, pp. 551–612 (2020)

Language: English


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