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Seminar "Mathematical Problems in Industry"
April 20, 2022 16:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Room 104 (8 Gubkina) + Zoom

Математические вопросы синтеза многополосных фильтров

A. B. Bogatyrevabc

a Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
b Lomonosov Moscow State University
c Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics

  1. A.B. Bogatyrev, “Projective view at optimization problem for multiband filter”, Proceedings of AMS, 149:7 (2021), 3021–3035, arXiv: 1912.00197
  2. A. B. Bogatyrëv, “Chebyshëvskoe predstavlenie ratsionalnykh funktsii”, Matem. sb., 201:11 (2010), 19–40
  3. A. B. Bogatyrev, S. A. Goreinov, S. Yu. Lyamaev, “Analiticheskii podkhod k sintezu mnogopolosnykh filtrov i ego sravnenie s drugimi podkhodami”, Probl. peredachi inform., 53:3 (2017), 64–77

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