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Семинар «Глобус» (записи с 2011 года)
24 сентября 2015 г. 15:40, г. Москва, конференц-зал НМУ (Москва, Большой Власьевский пер., 11)

Macroscopic fluctuation theory

M. Mariani

Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Аннотация: In the last fifteen years different tools have been developed to extend thermodynamic formalism out of the scope of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Following seminal ideas from A. Einstein, some coherent theory emerged to give a rigorous mathematical treatment of "non-equilibrium stationary states". I will briefly review this approach, sometimes called "Macroscopic fluctuation theory". I will discuss some random dynamics (e.g. exclusion processes and weakly coupled systems) that fit into this framework, with emphasis on critical behaviors that may appear as a mark of dynamical phase transitions.

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