Полная версия

Transformation groups 2017. Conference dedicated to Prof. Ernest B. Vinberg on the occasion of his 80th birthday
18 декабря 2017 г. 16:50, г. Москва, НМУ (Большой Власьевский переулок, д. 11), к. 401

Quantisation and nilpotent limits of Mishchenko–Fomenko subalgebras

O. Yakimova

Jena, Germany

Аннотация: Based on a joint project with Alexander Molev.
Let $A_\mu$ be the shift of argument, also known as Mishchenko–Fomenko, subalgebra associated with a linear function $\mu$. Relying on the explicit description of the Feigin–Frenkel centre, we prove that the symmetrisation map solves Vinberg's quantisation problem in all classical types, assuming that $\mu$ is regular, and for any $\mu$ in types $A$ and $C$. Note that in type $A$ the results were known before. The symmetrisation map commutes with taking limits thus allowing one to quantise various limits of Mishchenko–Fomenko subalgebras.

Язык доклада: английский

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