Полная версия

Автоморфные формы и их приложения
16 октября 2018 г. 18:00, г. Москва, факультет математики НИУ ВШЭ, Усачёва улица, дом 6, комната 306 (3 этаж)

Differential operators on the space of Jacobi forms

V. A. Gritsenkoab

a Université de Lille, Departement de Mathématique
b National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Аннотация: The modular differential operators play an important role in different aspects of the theory of reflective modular forms. The first two interesting illustrations will be given in the talks of Haowu Wang and Dmitrii Adler in October and November. In my talk I will give an overview of quasi-modular forms, modular differential operators on Jacobi forms in many variables and Taylor expansions of Jacobi forms. The talk will be targeted to non-specialists. At the end I’ll formulate a pair of working problems.

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