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Korean–Russian Algebraic Geometry Meeting
6 апреля 2019 г. 15:45, г. Москва, Лаборатория зеркальной симметрии и автоморфных форм, НИУ ВШЭ, ул. Усачева 6, ауд. 427

On Hirschowitz's conjecture on the formal prinicple

J.-M. Hwang


Аннотация: A compact complex submanifold of a complex manifold satisfies the formal principle if its formal neighborhood determines its germ. Hirschowitz's conjecture predicts that the zero-section of a globally generated vector bundle on a compact complex manifold satisfies the formal principle. We discuss a new approach to the conjecture, which verifies the prediction on Fano manifolds.

Язык доклада: английский

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