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Семинар «Глобус» (записи с 2011 года)
11 апреля 2019 г. 15:40, г. Москва, конференц-зал НМУ (Москва, Большой Власьевский пер., 11)

Deformed dessins d'enfants of almost Belyi maps

Raimundas Vidunas

Institute of Applied Mathematics, Vilnius University, Lithuania

Аннотация: Almost Belyi maps are algebraic maps to $P^1\{0,1,\infty\}$ with exactly one (simple) branching point. As I explain from sratch, almost Belyi maps form 1-dimensional families. Their degenerations to Belyi maps are defined by image of braid monodromy as a Belyi map from the 1-dimensional base curve. I describe the geometric analogue of dessins d'enfants corresponding to almost Belyi maps. Special almost Belyi maps give isomonodromic Fuchsian differential equations corresponding to algebraic solutions of the Painleve VI equation.

Язык доклада: английский

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