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25 января 2021 г. 18:30, г. Москва, Join Zoom Meeting ID: 818 6674 5751 Passcode: 141592

Links in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ and its lifting

S. Kim

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Аннотация: A virtual knot, which is one of generalizations of knots in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ (or $S^{3}$), is, roughly speaking, an embedded circle in thickened surface $S_{g} \times I$. In this talk we will discuss knots in 3 dimensional $S_{g} \times S^{1}$. We introduce basic notions for knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$, for example, diagrams, moves for diagrams and so on. For knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ technically we lose over/under information, but we will have information how many times the knot rotates along $S^{1}$. We will discuss the geometric meaning of the rotating information and how to use it.

Язык доклада: английский

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