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Современные проблемы теории чисел
11 марта 2021 г. 12:45, г. Москва, ZOOM

Computing Hausdorff dimension of sets of continued fractions

П. Л. Вытнова

Университет Уорик, Ковентри

Аннотация: We will present a simple and practical approach, based the on thermodynamic formalism technique in dynamical systems, to get rigorous bounds on the Hausdorff dimension of limits sets of continued fractions with bounded coefficients, with or without extra conditions.
Conference ID: 942 0186 5629 Password is a six-digit number, the first three digits of which form the number p + 44, and the last three digits are the number q + 63, where p, q is the largest pair of twin primes less than 1000

Язык доклада: английский


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