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Санкт-Петербургский семинар по теории операторов и теории функций
29 марта 2021 г. 17:30, г. Санкт-Петербург, на платформе zoom, пароль можно узнать у Д. Столярова <>

Nearly outer functions as extreme points in punctured Hardy spaces

К. М. Дьяконов

Аннотация: Our starting point is a theorem of de Leeuw and Rudin that describes the extreme points of the unit ball in the Hardy space $H^1$. We extend this result to subspaces of $H^1$ formed by functions with smaller spectra. More precisely, given a finite set $E$ of positive integers, we prove a Rudin–de Leeuw type theorem for the unit ball of $H^1_E$, the space of functions $f\in H^1$ whose Fourier coefficients $\widehat f(k)$ vanish for all $k\in E$.

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