Полная версия

Когомологические аспекты геометрии дифференциальных уравнений
4 мая 2022 г. 19:20, г. Москва, Независимый Московский университет, Большой Власьевский пер., 11, ауд. 303, ссылку для дистанционного участия можно узнать по адресу

On action-angle duality

I. Marshall

Аннотация: Action-angle duality is a property enjoyed by systems of Ruijsenaars type - many body systems; relativistic analogues of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland systems - whereby families of integrable systems come in natural pairs: the canonical coordinates of one system are the action-angle variables of the other, and together they generate the whole phase space. I will explain this property, and why it is special. When transported to quantum systems, the action-angle duality property is represented in the form of bispectral operators.
I hope also to describe results obtained with László Fehér in which Hamiltonian reduction is used to obtain systems in action-angle duality relation with one an other.

Язык доклада: английский

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