Международная конференция «Квантовая интегрируемость и геометрия», посвященная 60-летиям Н. А. Славнова и Л. О. Чехова
Spin Calogero-Moser system and two dimensional Yang-Mills theory with corners N. Yu. Reshetikhinab a Tsinghua University b University of California, Berkeley, Department of Mathematics |
Аннотация: Quantum spin Calogero-Moser system is a quantum superintegrable system. Its spectrum has a natural description in terms of representation theory of the underlying simple Lie group. In the first part of the talk we will overview this quantum system and will show that its multitime propagator is the partition function of two dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a cylinder. In the second part we define the Yang-Mills theory with open Wilson lines and will argue that it is an extended topological quantum field theory in dimensions 2-1-0. This is a joint work with J. Stokman. Язык доклада: английский |