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Open quantum oscillators' system in terms of the algebraic perturbation theory and SDEs

A. M. Basharov

National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow

Аннотация: Open quantum oscillators' system in terms of the algebraic perturbation theory and SDEs. The research work deals with a system of identical independent quantum oscillators in the field of a common bosonic thermostat which is considered in terms of the algebraic perturbation theory up to the second order in the coupling constant with the thermostat. In the case of identically excited harmonic oscillators, the intensity of collective radiation can be completely suppressed for a certain number of oscillators in the ensemble. Nevertheless, a solitary superradiance pulse with a characteristic time delay is not formed in a system of harmonic oscillators. In the case of anharmonic oscillators, the algebraic perturbation theory identifies a quantum subsystem with a finite number of energy levels within each oscillator, which interacts with the surrounding bosonic thermostat. As a result, a superradiance pulse is formed in the collective decay of an ensemble of oscillators. The pulse emission can also be suppressed for a certain number of oscillators in the ensemble, which allows controlling the formation of a superradiance pulse.

Язык доклада: английский

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