I will demonstrate that (co)adjoint orbit of $GL(N,C)$ has a structure of a
symplectic fibration. It can be used for the construction of the rational
Darboux coordinates on the orbit. Isomonodromic deformation equations are
defined on the symplectic quotient of the product of such orbits. The
iteration procedure for the solving of the momentum-level equation and the
simultaneous factorization with respect to the diagonal $GL(N,C)$-action
will be presented. The method works for a wide class of matrices. The
isomonodromic deformations of the Fuchsian equation with the rank-one
traceless matrix-residues (their Jordan forms consist of one $2\times 2$
Jordan block with zero diagonal and $(N-2)\times (N-2)$-dimension zero
block) will be considered as an example.