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Noncommutative geometry and topology
April 4, 2024 16:45, Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ, Main Building, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, auditorium 1604

Singularities of geodesic flows in $2D$ metrics with varying signature

A. O. Remizov

Abstract: The talk is devoted to singularities of geodesic flows in smooth 2-dimensional metrics with varying signature (such metrics are also called pseudo-Riemannian). Generically, a pseudo-Riemannian metric degenerated on a smooth curve, whose points are singular points of the corresponding geodesic flow. The existence and uniqueness theorem at such points fails, whence geodesics cannot pass through a degenerate point in all possible directions, but in some “admissible” directions only. For generic 2- dimensional pseudo-Riemannian metric the number of admissible directions is 1 or 3, or 2 (at some isolated points). This explains by the fact that the admissible directions correspond to real roots of a certain cubic polynomial. The investigation of the behavior of geodesics at degenerate points is based on the theory of local normal forms of vector fields with non-isolated singular points. A brief survey can be found here:


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