Seminars of the Department of Computer Networks and Information Technology
Linking services at zbMATH Fabian Müller FIZ Karlsruhe — Leibniz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur |
Abstract: In the past few years, development efforts at zbMATH have placed a focus on interlinking mathematical publications and related data with each other as well as with external data sources. Matching algorithms have been developed e.g. to enable automated linking of literature references with the cited publications, or to match up publications for example with arXiv preprints. At the same time, the disambiguation of author entities has been facilitated by collecting data from external services like Wikidata or MGP, both via user input and through the development of heuristic algorithms. In this talk I will give an overview of the methods used, demonstrate the user interfaces, and discuss the performance indicators used to evaluate the quality of the matchings. A focus will lie on ways to use these features to improve crosslinking between zbMATH and Math-Net.Ru. Language: English |