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A. Nikolaenko

IBS Expertiza Company


  1. Nambiar, Raghunath Othayoth and Poess, Meikel, “The Making of TPC-DS”, Proceedings of the 32$\mathrm{^{nd}}$ International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB ’06), VLDB Endowment, Seoul, Korea, 2006, 1049–1058
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  3. Poess, Meikel, “Controlled SQL Query Evolution for Decision Support Benchmarks”, Proceedings of the 6$\mathrm{^{th}}$ International Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP ’07), ACM, Buenos Aires, 2007, 38–41  crossref
  4. Chen, Shimin and Ailamaki, Anastasia and Athanassoulis, Manos and Gibbons, Phillip B. and Johnson, Ryan and Pandis, Ippokratis and Stoica, Radu, “TPC-E vs. TPC-C: Characterizing the New TPC-E Benchmark via an I/O Comparison Study”, SIGMOD Record, 39:3, September (2011), 5–10, ACM  crossref
  5. Nambiar, Raghunath and Poess, Meikel, “Keeping the TPC Relevant!”, Proc. VLDB Endowment, 6:11, August (2013), 1186–1187, VLDB Endowment  crossref
  6. Bog, Anja and Sachs, Kai and Zeier, Alexander, “Benchmarking Database Design for Mixed OLTP and OLAP Workloads”, Proceedings of the 2$\mathrm{^{nd}}$ ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE ’11), ACM, Karlsruhe, 2011, 417–418  crossref
  7. Tözün, Pinar and Pandis, Ippokratis and Kaynak, Cansu and Jevdjic, Djordje and Ailamaki, Anastasia, “From A to E: Analyzing TPC’s OLTP Benchmarks: The Obsolete, the Ubiquitous, the Unexplored”, Proceedings of the 16$\mathrm{^{th}}$ International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT ’13), ACM, Genoa, 2013, 17–28  crossref
  8. Alexandrov, Alexander and Brücke, Christoph and Markl, Volker, “Issues in Big Data Testing and Benchmarking”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Testing Database Systems (DBTest ’13), ACM, NY, 2013, 1, 1:1–1:5  crossref
  9. V. Kistowski, Jóakim and Arnold, Jeremy A. and Huppler, Karl and Lange, Klaus-Dieter and Henning, John L. and Cao, Paul, “How to Build a Benchmark”, Proceedings of the 6$\mathrm{^{th}}$ ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE ’15), ACM, Austin, Texas, 2015, 333–336  crossref
  10. Joishi, Jeevan and Sureka, Ashish, “Vishleshan: Performance Comparison and Programming Process Mining Algorithms in Graph-Oriented and Relational Database Query Languages”, Proceedings of the 19$\mathrm{^{th}}$ International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS ’15), ACM, Yokohama, 2014, 192–197  crossref
  11. Yassien, Amal W. and Desouky, Amr F., “RDBMS, NoSQL, Hadoop: A Performance-Based Empirical Analysis”, Proceedings of the 2$\mathrm{^{nd}}$ Africa and Middle East Conference on Software Engineering (AMECSE ’16), ACM, Cairo, 2016, 52–59  crossref
  12. Oliveira, Fábio Roberto and del Val Cura, Luis, “Performance Evaluation of NoSQL Multi-Model Data Stores in Polyglot Persistence Applications”, Proceedings of the 20$\mathrm{^{th}}$ International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS ’16), ACM, 2016 \publinfo Montreal, QC, 230–235  crossref

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