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Mathematical Colloquium of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University
May 7, 2020 17:45, Moscow, This talk will be organized as Zoom video-meeting

Hereditary complete systems in spaces of functions

A. D. Baranov

Abstract: Let $x_n$ be a complete and minimal system of vectors in a Hilbert space $H$. We say that this system is hereditarily complete if any vector in $H$ can be approximated in the norm by linear combinations of partial sums of the Fourier series with respect to $x_n$. It was a long-standing problem whether any complete and minimal system of exponentials in $L^2(-a,a)$ admits spectral synthesis. Several years ago Yu. Belov, A. Borichev and myself gave a negative answer to this question which implies, in particular, that there exist non-harmonic Fourier series which do not admit a linear summation method. At the same time we showed that any exponential system admits the synthesis up to a one-dimensional defect. In the talk we will also discuss related problems for systems of reproducing kernels in Hilbert spaces of entire functions (such as Paley-Wiener, de Branges, Fock). The talk is based on joint works with Yu. Belov (St. Petersburg) and A. Borichev (Marseille).

Zoom-conference identificator: 879 4067 9912; Password: 030705


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