Полная версия

Квантовая физика и квантовая информация
3 марта 2015 г. 11:00, г. Москва, Климентовский пер., д. 1, стр. 1, ауд. 108

Информация и энтропия как характеристики ресурса для квантовых технологий

В. И. Манькоab

a Физический институт им. П. Н. Лебедева РАН, г. Москва
b Московский физико-технический институт (государственный университет), г. Долгопрудный Московской обл.

Аннотация: The approach to extend the notion of entanglement for characterizing the properties of quantum correlations in the state of a single qudit is presented. New information and entropic inequalities, such as the subadditivity condition, strong subadditivity condition, and monotonicity of relative entropy for a single qudit corresponding to an arbitrary spin state with spin j are discussed. The idea to employ quantum correlations in the single-qudit state, such as the entanglement, for developing a new quantum technique in quantum computing and quantum communication is proposed. Examples of qutrit and qudit with j = 3/2 are considered [1].
Video (HD quality):
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:


Список литературы
  1. M. A. Man'ko, V. I. Man'ko, Entanglement and other quantum correlations of a single qudit state as a resource for quantum technologies, arXiv: 1409.4221 [quant-ph]

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