Открытый семинар по теоретической физике
Фантомные изображения в квантовой оптике Чиркин А.С. МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, физический факультет |
Аннотация: In ghost imaging the object image is obtained by using two spatially correlated beams. Beam in the object arm after illumination of object is collected with a bucket detector that has no spatial resolution. In another, reference arm, beam never interacts with the object, but it is registered by the pixelated detector. Outputs of two detectors are multiplied, and scanning the “dot” detector allows us to obtain information on the intensity correlation function. The studied schemes of obtaining ghost images usually involve two partite entangled quantum states of light or quasi-thermal radiation [1, 2]. We consider application of multipartite entangled quantum light states in ghost imaging and demonstrate that the use of such entangled light states of fields in the ghost imaging makes it possible to obtain several ghost images simultaneously and to improve the quality of the reconstructed image by taking into account correlation of the ghost images. Часть результатов, которые будут представлены, опубликованы в [3.4]. 1. A. Гатти и др. "Фантомные изображения" в книге "Квантовые изображения "/ Под ред М.Колобова, Перевод с англ. , Физматлит- М: 2009. 2. J.H. Shapiro, R.W. Boyd, Quantum Inf. Processes, 11, 949 (2012). 3. А.С. Чиркин Письма в ЖЭТФ, 102, №6, 444 (2015)4. А.С. Чиркин Письма в ЖЭТФ, 103, №4, 309 (2016) Website: https://theorphys.org/seminar.html |