Полная версия

Открытый семинар по теоретической физике
6 декабря 2016 г. 17:00, г. Москва, Московский корпус МФТИ, Климентовский переулок,1, конференц-зал или а.304 (метро Третьяковская)

Проблема унификации классической механики и квантовой механики

Рылов Ю.А.

Институт проблем механики РАН

Аннотация: It is shown that motion of quantum particles and classical particles can be described in the framework of the same formalism. Stochasticity of particle motion depends on the form of the space-time geometry, which is to be described as a physical geometry, i.e. a geometry obtained as a result of deformation of the proper Euclidean geometry. The new method of the particle motion description does not use quantum principles. It admits one to use the structural approach to theory of elementary particles. The structural approach admits one to consider structure and arrangement of elementary particles, that cannot been obtained at conventional approach, using quantum principles.


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