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Семинар по арифметической геометрии
30 сентября 2019 г. 17:00, г. Москва, Лаборатория зеркальной симметрии НИУ ВШЭ, ул. Усачёва, д. 6, ауд. 306

Equidistribution of exponential sums

J. Fresán

Аннотация: Many exponential sums, such as Gauss sums or Kloosterman sums, appear as the Fourier transform of the trace function of an $l$-adic sheaf on a algebraic group over a finite field. I will discuss equidistribution results for these sums when the $l$-adic sheaf is fixed but the character with respect to which the Fourier transform is taken varies.

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