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Дифференциальные операторы на сингулярных пространствах, алгебраически интегрируемые системы и квантование
2 ноября 2020 г. 19:30, г. Москва, Главное здание МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, аудитория 13-24

Symplectic and Contact Geometry of Monge–Ampère equation: Introduction and application

В. Н. Рубцов

Аннотация: I am going to introduce you in a geometric approach to Monge–Ampère operators and equations based on contact and symplectic structures of cotangent and 1-st jet bundles of a smooth variety. The approach was developed by V. Lychagin goes back to ideas of E.Cartan and his successor T. Lepage. I shall try to make my talk self-contained. I expect to discuss various applications and links with important geometric structures.
I suppose to speak Russian or English if the audience prefers. Идентификатор конференции в Zoom: 828 5783 2979. Код доступа можно узнать у организаторов семинара.

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