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Continuous time random walks modeling of quantum measurement and fractional equations of quantum stochastic filtering and control

В. Н. Колокольцов

Университет Уорик, Ковентри

Аннотация: Initially developed in the framework of quantum stochastic calculus, the main equations of quantum stochastic filtering were later on derived as the limits of Markov models of discrete measurements under appropriate scaling. In many branches of modern physics it became popular to extend random walk modeling to the continuous time random walk (CTRW) modeling, where the time between discrete events is taken to be non-exponential. In the present work we apply the CTRW modeling to the continuous quantum measurements yielding the new fractional in time evolution equations of quantum filtering and thus new fractional equations of quantum mechanics of open systems. The related quantum control problems and games turn out to be described by the fractional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations on Riemannian manifolds. By-passing we provide a full derivation of the standard quantum filtering equations, in a modified way as compared with existing texts, which provides explicit rates of convergence (that were not available via the tightness of martingales approach developed previously). The talk will be based on the author's preprint https://arXiv:2008.07355
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Id: 931-7514-2429 passw=057376
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