Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
Lax operator algebras and integrable systems O. K. Sheinman |
Abstract: Lax operator algebras are introduced in [1] in connection with the notion of Lax operator with spectral parameter on a Riemann surface (earlier introduced by I. M. Krichever). These are algebras of currents defined on Riemann surfaces and taking values in the semi-simple or reductive Lie algebras. They are closely related to integrable systems like Hitchin systems, Calogero–Moser systems, classical gyroscopes, problems of flow around a solid body. In many respects, the Lax operator algebras are analogous to the Kac–Moody algebras. Non-twisted Kac–Moody algebras are Lax operator algebras on Riemann sphere with marked points 0, and Up to the end of 2013 Lax operator algebras have been defined and constructed only for classical Lie algebras over In the talk, we are going to give a general definition of Lax operator algebras in terms of gradings of semi-simple Lie algebras, formulate their basic properties. It will be stated a connection with Tyurin parameters of holomorphic vector bundles on Riemann surfaces. We are planning to formulate a general approach to construction of finite-dimensional Riemann surfaces based on the same circle of ideas. References