Let $X$ be a quasi-Banach space of analytic functions on a finitely connected
bounded domain $\Omega$ on the complex plane. We prove a theorem that reduces the study
of the hyperinvariant subspaces of $X$ to that of the hyperinvariant subspaces of $X_1$
where $X_1$ is a quasi-Banach space of analytic functions on a domain $\Omega_1$ obtained from $\Omega$ by adding some of the bounded connectivity components of $\mathbb C\setminus\Omega$. In particular, the
lattice structure (incident to the hyperinvariant subspaces) of a quasi-Banach space $X$
of analytic functions on the annulus $\{z\in\mathbb C:\rho<|z|<1\}$, $0<\rho<1$, is understood in
terms of the lattice structure of the space $X_1$, the counterpart of $X$ for the unit disk.
Ключевые слова:
Locally bounded spaces of analytic functions, invariant subspace, multiplier index, spectrum, linear operator, holomorphic functional calculus.