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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics // Архив

Algebra Discrete Math., 2008, выпуск 2, страницы 65–82 (Mi adm159)


Characterization of Chebyshev Numbers

David Pokrass Jacobsa, Mohamed O. Rayesb, Vilmar Trevisanc

a School of Computing, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634–0974, USA
b Dept. of Comp. Sci. and Eng., Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275–0122 USA
c Instituto de Matemática, UFRGS, 91509–900 Porto Alegre, Brazil

Аннотация: Let $T_n(x)$ be the degree-$n$ Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. It is known [1,13] that $T_p(x) \equiv x^p\bmod{p}$, when $p$ is an odd prime, and therefore, $T_p(a)\equiv a\bmod{p}$ for all $a$. Our main result is the characterization of composite numbers $n$ satisfying the condition $T_n(a) \equiv a\bmod{n}$, for any integer $a$. We call these pseudoprimes Chebyshev numbers, and show that $n$ is a Chebyshev number if and only if $n$ is odd, squarefree, and for each of its prime divisors $p$, $n\equiv\pm 1\bmod p-1$ and $n\equiv\pm 1\bmod p+1$. Like Carmichael numbers, they must be the product of at least three primes. Our computations show there is one Chebyshev number less than $10^{10}$, although it is reasonable to expect there are infinitely many. Our proofs are based on factorization and resultant properties of Chebyshev polynomials.

Ключевые слова: Chebyshev polynomials, polynomial factorization, resultant, pseudoprimes, Carmichael numbers.

MSC: 11A07, 11Y35

Поступила в редакцию: 09.06.2008
Исправленный вариант: 09.06.2008

Язык публикации: английский

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