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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Современная математика и ее приложения // Архив

Совр. матем. и ее приложения, 2015, том 97, страницы 58–65 (Mi cma421)

New invariants for the graph isomorphism problem

A. Gamkrelidzea, L. Varamashvilia, G. Hotzb

a Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University
b Saarland University

Аннотация: In this paper, we introduce a novel polynomial-time algorithm to compute graph invariants based on the idea of a modified random walk on graphs. Though not proved to be a full graph invariant yet, our method gives the right answer for the graph instances other well-known methods could not compute (such as special Fürer gadgets and point-line incidence graphs of finite projective planes of higher degrees).

УДК: 519.1

Язык публикации: английский

 Англоязычная версия: Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2016, 218:6, 754–761

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