In this report we describe a fast 3-color method of the measurement of temperature distributions on a surface of a heated solid using a RGB color camera with a high frame rate (100 images per second). Statistical error the RGB method is not high, and do not exceed around 5.5% which is surprising taking in to account the number of the measurements at each pixel. Comparison of the results of the temperature measurements on a tungsten plate heated by infrared laser radiation and conducted with this technique and those obtained with the acousto-optical tunable filter technique demonstrate that error of the temperature measured by 3-color method is only two times as high as that of the tandem acousto-optic filter technique method.
Ключевые слова:
RGB camera, temperature measurement, spectral imaging
Поступила в редакцию: 17.03.2022 Принята в печать: 21.09.2022