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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Компьютерная оптика // Архив

Компьютерная оптика, 2020, том 44, выпуск 1, страницы 67–73 (Mi co763)

Эта публикация цитируется в 13 статьях


An efficient algorithm for non-rigid object registration

A. Yu. Makovetskii, S. M. Voronin, V. I. Kober, A. V. Voronin

Chelyabinsk State University, ul. Bratiev Kashirinykh, 129, 454001, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Аннотация: An efficient algorithm for registration of two non-rigid objects based on geometrical transformation of the template object to target object is proposed. The transformation is considered as warping of the template onto the target. To choose the most suitable transformation from all possible warps, a registration algorithm should satisfy deformation constraints referred to as regularization of non-rigid objects. In this work, we use variational functionals for affine transformations. With the help of computer simulation, the proposed method for searching the optimal geometrical transformation is compared with that of common algorithms.

Ключевые слова: iterative closest points, nonrigid ICP, shape registration, affine transformation, orthogonal transformation, point-to-point, point-to-plane, deformable surfaces.

Поступила в редакцию: 20.06.2019
Принята в печать: 31.10.2019

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-586

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